Why Conscious Ink Temporary Tattoos? Beyond Skin-Deep Intentions
You may be asking yourself, "Conscious Ink... why are you here?". Ah, the great existential question! We're here to raise consciousness, one body at a time! You. Me. And maybe even Dupree (A movie reference) :-). We don't consider ourselves a temporary tattoo company. We consider ourselves more of a consciousness company or an empowerment company, that utilizes inspirational temporary tattoos to support people on their journey. Our mission goes so much farther beneath the skin.
A Deeper Intention
Of course, our Manifestation Temporary Tattoos can be used just for fun...but they can also be used to create an environment of intention, and deliberative-ness. They force you to ask the questions, "What is it that I need?", "How could I best support myself in this moment?". Instead of letting circumstances rule you, our Manifestation Temporary Tattoos can help you take control of your life. They are applied to the surface of the skin, but can very much reach your soul.
A temporary reminder becomes a permanent habit
Once your new intention has been set as a physical reminder, the real process begins. You've probably heard that a good habit takes about 60 days or so to set in, right? That's why we offer Manifestation Tattoos in Power Packs, so you can create a new pattern in your life. Manifest your specific intention all month long and watch your intention turn into reality.
Subconscious encouragement
You know all of those sticky notes you place on you desk as reminders? Or (ladies) the encouraging words you write in lipstick on your mirror at home? After awhile your eyes get used to their presence and its almost as if it was never placed there. Similarly, temporary tattoos can have the same effect. However, the intimacy of placing the reminder on your physical body creates a subconscious encouragement that lasts goes much deeper, and can last much longer. You get healthy brain habit training without you even registering!
Situational needs and situational support
Things in life come and go like waves crashing on the beach shore. Things that once consumed your thinking and your reality pass and become distant memories. Many permanent tattoos have something personal deeply connected to them. Sometimes, years (or maybe even just months!) after putting that permanent reminder on your skin, the necessity for its presence isn't as crucial. Our Manifestation Tattoos are meant to be used as support for your ever-changing life circumstances and needs.
So there you have it. Conscious Ink Manifestation Inspirational Temporary Tattoos are much, much more than body art. Convinced yet? Head over to our Conscious Ink Store and try them out yourself!
Many blessings,
The Conscious Ink Fam