The Truth About Other People's Shoes
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “don’t judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes”, but what about not wishing to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes?
Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “I want their life. I want what they have, their looks, their friends, their career…”? If you answered “no” then congratulations to you for being so centered and wise. If you answered “yes”, then join the club.
A very wise friend of mine says that comparison is the root of all unhappiness, and I think that she might be on to something. It can be very easy to look at someone else and think that their life is somehow more perfect than your own, but when we compare ourselves to others, we deny ourselves the appreciation of all of the wonderful things that make us unique and the compassion for the parts of ourselves that we struggle with.
Sure, from the outside it might look like someone else has it all, but no one can really know the truth of anyone’s experience except their own. Most likely, that other person has their own world of insecurities and struggles, just like you. Perhaps, just as you are looking at them, they are looking at you and wishing for the life you have, your talents, your beauty.
So if you notice yourself thinking that perhaps you might want to have the life of someone else, stop and ask yourself “Really? Is that true?” Remember that there are no accidents and that you are exactly who and where you are supposed to be. The greatest thing you can do in the world is to just be yourself because no one else has your unique gifts; celebrate yourself and know that there is no one else in the world that can be a better you than you.
If you would like to set an intention to remember who you really are, to know that you are beautiful just as you are, and to love yourself wholly, check out the affirming temporary tattoos in the Conscious Ink Store. Our unique body art was designed to encourage and inspire you to live your bliss every day.