The Myth Of Perfection
Perfection is a lie and most of us are aware of this. But somehow this knowledge doesn't prevent us from hanging this ideal of perfection over our shoulders and criticizing ourselves for falling short of our expectations time and time again.
Not only is perfection a lie but it is also a dream killer. How many of us have subdued our grandest visions due to the crippling fear of trying and not being good enough-- of failing to meet our own expectations? More often than not, the death of the dreams dwelling within us occurs with the subtlety of a prolonged suffocation as we continuously put off our aspirations for a more convenient time.
Nothing, nothing, will ever be perfect. There is no perfect time to have a child, to start a business, to get in shape or do whatever it is that speaks to us. Many of us will die with unchecked items on a to-do list. And this is okay, because life is not about checking items off of a to-do list--endlessly chasing down this illusion of perfection to gain a sense of fulfillment. True lasting fulfillment comes from living in alignment with who we really are and letting love guide us every step of the way.
So, what if we did ourselves a favor and let go of the need for everything to be perfect to start living life as our truest, most authentic selves? Rather than fighting to gain control over the chaos in our lives, maybe we would learn to embrace the chaos and revel in the perfect imperfectness of it all.
Conscious Ink Staffer
Amanda Brown is a wellness blogger and a member of the Conscious Ink Team at our home office in Bend, OR. She is passionate about helping people find peace with where they are at while pursuing their best, most fulfilling lives. For more of her work, you can head over to her blog at www.liminalwellness.com.