Celebrating Joy and Being Present: A Journey Through My 30-Day Calendar
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the small moments of joy that surround us each day. We often get so caught up in our routines that we forget to pause and appreciate the beauty right before us. That’s why I created the Celebrating Joy 30-Day Calendar—a fun, powerful tool that helps us slow down, be present, mindful, and intentional in bringing more joy into our lives.
The essence of this calendar is rooted in a simple yet fundamental concept: Be Present in the Moment. As Eleanor Roosevelt wisely said, “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” Each day is an opportunity to embrace new possibilities and find joy in the present.
My Celebrating Joy 30-Day Calendar offers daily prompts that will encourage us to take small, meaningful actions that lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. These prompts range from practicing self-care and kindness to facing fears and trying new things. Each activity is a step toward living more joyfully in the moment.
For example, on one of the days, we’re invited to “Do 1 thing that scares you (Leap of Faith).” This challenge isn’t just about facing fears—it’s about personal growth and empowerment. By stepping out of our comfort zones, we reach new levels of confidence and joy.
Another day, the calendar prompts us to “Do something no one would expect from of you.” This encourages us to break free from our predictable patterns and surprise ourselves and others with spontaneity and creativity. These moments of unpredictability can be some of the most joyful and freeing experiences.
Throughout the 30 days, you are asked to practice self-compassion and self-care. Whether it’s setting aside time for a craft that inspires you, forgiving yourself for past mistakes, or simply taking a moment to visualize your future goals, these acts of kindness toward yourself create a springboard for a more joyful life.
What’s truly special about this calendar is its ability to foster a sense of community—knowing others are on the same journey. Feel free to share the calendar with friends, siblings, or your book club.
But the beauty of this journey doesn’t end with the calendar. The lessons we’ve learned—being present,
embracing joy, facing fears, and spreading kindness—are practices we can carry forward every day. The calendar serves as a starting point, but the journey of joy continues long after the 30 days have passed.
A heartfelt thanks to Conscious Ink for inviting me to share, the 30-Day Calendar: Celebrating Joy and Being Present, here with you.
Midlife Blogger | Celebrating Mature & Late-Age Women
As a Midlife Blogger, I am dedicated to celebrating and empowering mature and late-age women as we navigate life on our own terms.