4 Tips For Fostering A Mindful Student.
As the new school year greets us, many are struggling with anxiety and fears...for a number of reasons. This may be one of the most important times of the year to check in with our young people. It may be your own kids, a niece or nephew, or a grandchild, but now is the time to take stock of their tools to navigate our ever-changing educational landscape.
Mindfulness is one very important tool for their young toolbox.
Research shows that children who are more mindful and emotionally intelligent are more likely to succeed. Mindfulness gives them the tools they need to build confidence, cope with stress, and relate to uncomfortable or challenging moments. Other benefits are increased focus, improved academic performance, and decreased levels of stress. Some mindfulness tips and activities you can practice at home are:
1.) Ask a young person "Have you ever felt disappointed by something, or someone? " - this helps them get in touch with and identify their feelings and normalizes talking about them.
2.) Ask them "How did that make you feel?"
Listen to them, acknowledge their feelings, and if appropriate, talk about them. Help them understand it's healthy and normal to feel what they feel and how important it is to allow those feelings to move through us. This will help young people to articulate their emotions and be comfortable feeling what they feel.
3.) Then, say something like "Do you think there are times when you are disappointed, that you also have good things happening in your life, too? Let's come up with three good things together. This shows kids that they can feel more than one thing at a time AND that they have a choice of what to focus on.
4.) Another great thing to practice to promote habits of gratitude and thankfulness is going around the table at dinner time and having each person share 3 things they were grateful for that day.
Consistently practicing the above will help a child's mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and their ability to communicate. Check out some ink that will help your kids with the above when they are away from home :)
Amanda Brown