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Conscious Inklings Blog. Ideas, Insights & Ink-spiration!

Great...And Not So Great... Expectations.

Great...And Not So Great... Expectations.

Most of us have heard, and believe, that having expectations is bad. There are many quotes out there echoing this sentiment. Even Shakespeare seemed to share this belief with his quote, "Expectation is the root of all heartache."  

And if we posted that on Facebook and Instagram, we're surely to get lots of likes, thumb ups, and favorable comments.
But here's the thing. We cannot not have expectations, even if we try really, really hard.
Why? Because we will always have subconscious expectations.
How do we know what our subconscious expectations are?
Simply, ask yourself...honestly.
Ask yourself what you really expect from an upcoming interaction, a job interview, or from the universe at large.
You'll get an answer.
Expectations are simply beliefs we have about ourselves, and our place in the world.
So...since we can't get rid of expectations matter how hard we pretend...we may as well as pick expectations that we prefer. Or at a minimum challenge the self-defeating expectations we have for ourselves.
How do we that?
We question those self-defeating expectatons or limiting beliefs.
We may ask ourselves, "Where did I develop this expectation?" "Did I inherit it from someone?", "Is my expectation really valid?"
You may be thinking that you actually have data/facts/experiences that support the expectations you carry. And that may be true.
But what also is true is that not all people have the same expectations. In fact, they may have completely different data/facts/experiences than you.
Now you may be thinking...well, that isn't fair...and spiral further down the "victim" mentality black hole.
But it's actually good news that others have different expectations and experiences.
Because this means that expectations and beliefs are maleable and interchangeable.
Get curious and inquisitive about this. Ask friends you admire what they might expect and believe if they were in a similar situation as you. 
Tune into podcasts. Listen to interviews of people you respect. Get a sense of what they expect...what they believe.
Then, acknowledge the following truth: If they can have certain (different) expectations, beliefs and experiences, so can you.
Get into the habit of seeing things from different perspectives. Try them on for yourself. See the world, and your situation, through different lenses. You'll soon notice that lenses are indeed interchangeable.
Ultimately, if they can experience something, so can you.
And yes, that includes miracles.
Because if a miracle is possible for one, it's possible for another.
And yes, that
In joy.
Frank Gjata
Founder Conscious Ink


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Manifest With Inspirational Temporary Tattoos

Manifest With Inspirational Temporary Tattoos

At Conscious Ink, we believe in the power of words and the profound impact they can have on our lives. Our range of inspirational temporary tattoos is designed not just to adorn your skin but to embolden your spirit, serving as constant reminders of your strength, resilience, and ability to manifest your deepest desires. Whether you're seeking motivation, encouragement, or a testament to your inner resolve, our tattoos offer a tangible way to embody the affirmations that resonate with you.
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Healing From Cancer: Finding Strength and Support in Every Moment

Healing From Cancer: Finding Strength and Support in Every Moment

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Ever wonder why it's so hard to change self-defeating behaviors and patterns?

One of the reasons our conscious intentions don't stick is that we have a contradictory SUBCONSCIOUS belief or commitment that blocks our conscious desires. These blocks often come in the form of old beliefs or energetic patterns that we don't even realize are at play.

One way to identify a deep rooted subconscious belief or pattern is to notice a familiar theme, or feeling you're used to having, in your life, like, "nobody notices me", "I'm not appreciated", "I'm not good enough", "I'm unlovable". We will actually subconsciously create our reality to match our beliefs! And until we unhook these old beliefs, our conscious intentions will have no chance. 

Once you identify one of these subconscious beliefs/patterns, ask yourself what actions and behaviors support this belief or pattern. For example, “nobody notices me” could be supported by you not sharing yourself, or your feelings, with others. Most likely, you took on this behavior because at a certain point in your life, it wasn’t safe to do so. This behavior actually is what kept you safe at that time, and that is why “your system” employed that behavior in the first place.

Well, what kept you safe back THEN is what is causing you pain and suffering NOW. Have compassion for yourself! Those old behaviors have been hard wired subconsciously for what felt like would be needed for your survival as processed in your very primitive, yet very convincing, reptilian brain.

So, what now? Identify your true conscious desire. Perhaps, in the example above, it would be something like, “I want to be seen”. Then ask yourself what new actions and behaviors would support this new conscious desire…things like, “I'm willing to be seen”, "I share my feelings”, “I express my truth” with those people it would feel safe to do so, etc. You get the idea. 

Once you employ these new aligned actions/behaviors with your true desire/new commitment, you will override your old patterning, and start experiencing, your true desire, and outcomes. Your reality now will literally reflect your desire. Your entire world will look and feel different. You’ll be amazed!

Happy manifesting to you!

Frank Gjata

Founder, Conscious Ink

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How Are The Ol' New Year Resolutions Going?

How Are The Ol' New Year Resolutions Going?

Or have you let yours go?
If so, let's talk commitment.
Don't worry if you have let go of your intentions. You are in good company. Life comes at us fast. The stress. The worry. The work. The kids. The relationships. Some 80% of people fail to continue their New Year's resolution by March. 80%!
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Unveiling the Mystique: Top Questions about Conscious Ink Temporary Tattoos Answered

Unveiling the Mystique: Top Questions about Conscious Ink Temporary Tattoos Answered

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5 Ways to Manage Your Emotions When Triggered.

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For most of us, the practice of trying to feel good when we feel bad is challenging, frustrating, and, most often, ineffective. Leaving us perhaps more distraught than before we started! (If you happen to be the exception to the rule, and you really enjoy pretending to have the thing you desire without actually having it, then great. Enjoy and manifest!)
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Strengthening Your Relationships: The Power of Mutual Intentions & Conscious Ink.

Strengthening Your Relationships: The Power of Mutual Intentions & Conscious Ink.

Relationships, of all kinds, are complex journeys, filled with ups, downs, and everything in between. It's important to nurture them...and one way to do so is to create mutual intentions. Conscious Ink offers a practical way to bring intentions to life, serving as daily reminders of shared dreams and goals. You can create this ritual with your significant other, or a friend who’s on a similar path as you.
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Please Stand.

Please Stand.

When we stand for something, we have an unwavering commitment toward it. It’s clear and definitive. There’s no wasted energy thinking and rethinking, deciding and un-deciding, hemming then hawing. So those who stand for something enjoy super-concentrated energy.
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